#4 of Best WordPress Hosting of 2020 - DreamHost have been hosting their clients' websites since April 1997. The company was launched by four Computer Science undergraduates at hmc.edu in Claremont, CA with no capital apart from a single Pentium 100 web server, using shared bandwidth on a T1 line that a friend gave them at no cost. Now they have already grown to over 1500 servers (each with over 50 times the processing power of Destro), a state-of-the-art data center, and a full time staff of 70 at last count. The company hosts over 800,000 web sites. They offer a wide range of features bundled with various service plans. Canned CGI scripts, full CGI access, PHP5, SSH and Telnet, raw log files plus analyzed access statistics, unlimited email forwarding, aliasing, auto-responding, vanity domain names, MySQL, e-commerce, plenty of disk space and transfer allowance are available for as little as $5.95$5.95/month.