Best VPS Hosting for January 2021

Looking for the best in Virtual Private Servers? Find Best Hosts list VPS hosting with unbeatable uptime and high-performance SSD servers. Each of the providers stand out from the crowd by providing great value and powerful features, maximum availability, the best performance, and professional customer service.

Monthly Score: 99.02


#1 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - INXY is a unique marketplace where you can choose from a wide range of hosting services, getting the most advanced solutions for your budget and ask for the help and advice from qualified engineers. Convenient server catalogue with a vast number of solutions. Many providers in one place. Just come, compare prices, check the performance and buy. A unique CDN calculator combining many top notch CDN providers. Compare the geographical coverage, prices and other CDN features then just purchase everything in one place.

Monthly Score: 97.23

Racknation DataCenter

#2 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - Data Center in Costa Rica offers two data center locations, Racknation offers shared webhosting, Dedicated Servers and Cloud Servers as well as advanced managed services like ddos protection and cloud infrastructure for resellers as well as colocation services in any of our locations. Our Data Centers are located in San Pedro and Curridabat in San Jose Costa Rica.

Monthly Score: 96.00


#3 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - OVH is the largest Internet hosting provider in Europe and the third-largest in the world. Cloud infrastructures, dedicated hosting, virtual servers, domain names, e-commerce, storage and archives, OVH brings you the solutions you need develop all your IT projects.

Monthly Score: 93.23


#4 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - Temok has been providing quality Web Hosting services since 2014. Our Goal at Temok is to provide high quality managed web hosting services at the lowest possible rate and the highest customer satisfaction. We focus mainly on uptime and client satisfaction, with the fastest servers on the market and an equally fast support team, our performance is second to none. A unique aspect of our company is the high level of support that is guaranteed with all the plans we have available.

Monthly Score: 91.73


#5 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - DailyRazor is a U.S based provider of web hosting and domain name solutions with over 13 years experience and more than 50,000 customers worldwide using the DailyRazor platform.

Monthly Score: 85.13


#6 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - RapidScale was founded in 2008 by a team of technology professionals. We are headquartered in Irvine, CA and have employees throughout the US in numerous roles. RapidScale is an industry leading cloud company. Our cloud computing solutions enable customers to simplify IT operations. We pride ourselves in moving computing into the next generation while providing outstanding service.

Monthly Score: 82.75


#7 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - Vultr is uniquely positioned with 15 datacenters strategically placed around the globe to bring our cloud close to major city centers around the world. The Vultr platform allows you to easily implement a cloud infrastructure with the click of a button.

Monthly Score: 78.77

VPS Server

#8 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 -

Monthly Score: 75.19


#9 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - Solus Virtual Manager (SolusVM) is a powerful GUI based VPS management system with full OpenVZ, Linux KVM, Xen Paravirtualization and Xen HVM support.

Monthly Score: 51.41


#10 of Best VPS Hosting of January 2021 - Reliable UK hosting from £10 per month. We offer cloud, dedicated and managed hosting with a focus on great support!